The below information will provide you with an introduction to living at the complex and cover the most common questions management are asked about the building, including what to do when you first move in. 

Building Link & Website

To communicating building matters to residents a website has been created that contains useful information about the building such as what to do when you first move in. The website is available at the following address and will be updated as required:

Building management use a building management programme, ‘Building Link’ to manage the building. This programme records all matters affecting both the building and individual apartments allowing residents to report matters relating to their apartment and track the progress of their issue, receiving regular updates. Residents are not obliged to use Building Link if they do not want to and can still report matters via phone or email, Building Management will still log your matter in Building Link for future reference if required.

Building Link also contains further information that will be useful to residents that is not on the website or available to the public. This includes fitting and fixture user manuals, warranties and building plans. This information can be found in the ‘library section’ of Building Link along with other useful documents.

Accessing Building Link

Building Link can be accessed via the Embassy website on the home page, residents must first register their details with Building Management however and then a username and password will be issued to them within 24 hours.

Booking Your Move

Residents are requested to book their move with building management at least 48 hours prior to the moving date so that it can be coordinated with other residents. Only one apartment is permitted to move into the building at any one time and bookings are accepted on a first-in basis.

Residents are currently permitted to move into the building 7 days per week, 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

To make a booking:

1. Go to the Embassy website, and register your details with Building Management by completing the ‘Resident Registration’ form available from the home page.

2. Building Management will then send you a login to Building Link within 24 hours, which is the online management system used to manage the building.

3. Residents should then login-in to Building Link via the link available on the Building’s website, click on ‘Amenity Reservation’ which will show you a calendar with any current bookings, click on ‘Add New Reservation’ and then select the lift you are wanting to book and then choose your booking times.

4. Building management will then confirm your booking within 24 hours and also provide you with a copy of the moving instructions which are also available from the forms section of the website.

If you are having difficulties making a booking or don’t want to use Building Link, simply send us an email and we will take care of this for you.

Further information regarding moving into the building can be found in the ‘Moving Instructions’ available on the buildings website.

Building Maintenance, Cleaning & Emergencies

Building management is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of common areas. Please report any non-urgent matters to building management via email at or via Building Link. For building emergencies, such as large water leaks, management can be contacted 24/7 on 02 7208 8896.

Emergency Evacuation Assembly Point

In the event of a fire or should the building’s evacuation alarms sound, please exit the building using the fire stairs and proceed to the emergency evacuation assembly point on the corner or Canberra and Marshall Avenue across the road from Embassy Tower’s main entrance foyer and await instructions from emergency personnel.

Additional Keys & Access Cards

You will be provided with at least two sets of keys made up of a building access card (fob) and front door keys to access the building and your apartment. Should additional keys or access cards be required, building access cards can be obtained at a cost of $110 (a limit applies per apartment) and apartment keys from the building’s Locksmith. Residents can download the keys/access card request form from the forms section of the buildings website or by contacting Building Management.

Apartment Defects & Maintenance

Building management is responsible for maintaining the building’s common areas. For maintenance items and defects relating to your apartment that are not common property and are covered within the warranty period, please contact Donna Salvisberg – Customer Relations, Loftex via email to . Please attach photos of the issue/s, and include your apartment number and contact details.

Connecting Gas & Electricity

When moving into the building you will need to connect your gas and electricity.


Embassy Tower has its electricity provided via an embedded network which pools all apartments electricity consumption to purchase in bulk and pass on discounts via our service provider SUPA Energy

To benefit, residents must connect their electricity with SUPA Energy, by signing up via move in . For further information regarding the embedded network and setting up your electricity account, please call 1300 761 390 or email .


Gas is provided to service your cook top and also to heat the buildings hot water system. Residents are recommended to connect their gas with Origin Energy or are free to use a gas provider of their choice.

Meter Readings

Your gas & electricity meters are read remotely and are located in a cupboard in the building corridors that can be accessed by contacting Building Management. The hot water meter to apportion your hot water gas consumption is also located in these cupboards.

Turning On/Off Your Gas & Electricity

On occupying the apartment, you may need to turn on the electricity using the switchboard in your apartment which is located above your fridge, and the gas using the valve located in the cupboard next to your cooktop. If the gas and / or electricity is still not working it may be turned off at the meter, you will need to contact Building Management to obtain access to the meter cupboard.

Moving Out
Residents should ensure that they cancel their gas and electricity accounts when they move out of the building to ensure they are no longer billed for usage at the apartment.

Water & Hot Water

The cost of water will be billed to you by Sydney Water; you should confirm that Sydney Water has your correct contact details so that your bill is received.

Sydney Water’s contact details are:
P: 132 092

Individual stop valves to turn on/off the hot and cold water to individual areas in your apartment are usually located under the sink in your laundry, kitchen & bathroom. There is a secondary stop valve to turn all water off to your apartment located in the water meter cupboard in the buildings corridor which can be accessed by contacting building management.

Please note that the building’s cold water is individually metered, but hot water is provided through a centralised gas hot water system, where water consumption will be paid for by the Owner’s Corporation.

Your cold-water consumption is read remotely by Sydney Water. When setting up your gas account, please note you will need to notify your utility provider of the hot water meter number which they use to determine your portion of the buildings gas usage to provide hot water to your apartment.

Phone & Internet

The building is connected to the National Broadband Network (NBN). When occupying the apartment you will need to arrange connection of your telephone and internet service and you are free to use a telecommunications provider of your choice. Providers should be able to set up your connection without accessing the building, however if for some reason they require access to the buildings Main Distribution Frame (MDF) please contact Building Management. Some popular telecommunications providers are:

TPG: 13 14 23 (

Each apartment has a distribution board for your telephone and internet located generally either in your broom cupboard or in the wardrobe in one of your bedrooms. Your telecommunications provider will provide a phone/internet service to this distribution board, you may need to connect the line for your wall outlets to the distribution board to obtain a service at the particular wall outlet you are wanting to use. Please refer to the instructions sheet on building link for more information.


The building is Foxtel ready and residents wanting to use Foxtel’s services should contact Embassy’s dedicated Foxtel Representative Aaron Nye who can assist you with your connection and is also offering a discount to Embassy residents who connect to Foxtel. Download Foxtel Pack

P: 0419 738 437

Intercom System

Each apartment has an intercom handset usually located near the kitchen of your apartment that will provide guest access to the building by each of the main entrance doors and the car park garage door. The user manual on how to operate the intercom system can be downloaded from the buildings website and is also available in the library section of Building Link.

Apartment Operation & Maintenance Manuals 

Operation & maintenance manuals, including warranties for all appliances and fittings in your apartment can be downloaded from Building Link in the ‘Library’ section. You will also find additional information about the building including plans and strata related documents.

Visitors Parking

Visitors parking is available for guests of residents in the ground and B1 car park area. Please note this area is for visitors only, and owners are not permitted to park in the visitors spaces.

Electric Car Charging Bays

Electric car charging bays are available in the B1 car park area and are provided by Jet Charge. Residents should refer to Jet Charge’s website for information on how to set up an account to facilitate car charging. Click here to register – Apartment Account Registration

GoGet Car Share

A car share service is provided in the building by GoGet. The vehicle is located adjacent to the driveway entrance inside the carpark on ground floor and can be accessed by the low-rise lobby at 15 Marshall Avenue using your building security swipe or GoGet membership card. More details including a membership offer can be found here – GoGet Membership.

Waste Disposal & Recycling

Each apartment level has a garbage and recycling chute for disposal of general garbage and PET/Glass bottles/containers. Please select either garbage or recycling on the diverter, wait 10 seconds and then place your selected waste down the chute. Please follow the chute instructions and be aware of the size of items placed down the chute so that the chute does not become blocked.
Please note that the chute is not to be used for paper/cardboard, please do not put paper/cardboard down the chute as it will contaminate the recycling bins and may block the chute.
For paper/cardboard and larger waste items there is a bulk waste garbage & recycling area available on level 1.

Community Room & BBQ Facilities

BBQ facilities are available in the level 1 garden area and are free to be used by residents on a first-in basis. In accordance with the by-laws, please ensure the area, including the hot plate is cleaned to its original condition so that it is ready for use by other residents.

There is a Community Room available on level 1 of Embassy Residences (II) that is available for use by residents and must be first booked with Building Management. Please contact Building Management to book this area.


The building’s by-laws outline the rules of the building such as noise, pets, renovations and building tidiness, etc. You can download the building’s by-laws by logging into Building Link and going to the ‘Library’ section that contains useful building documents.


Residents are reminded that they must not undertake renovations to their apartment without consent of the Owner’s Corporation. If you are wanting to renovate your apartment, which includes installing timber floors, renovating kitchens or bathrooms, or installing anything on your balcony, please contact Building Management who will assist you with the renovation application form and process.


As per by-law 19, residents are permitted to keep 1 cat or dog at the premises. Residents wanting to keep more than one pet should make an application to the Owner’s Corporation by first contacting Building Management who will assist you with this process.